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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


On the banks of an ocean, a defiant-looking woman stands, surrounded by swords. Two other women run away from her and seem to be following a raven toward a ship off in the distance.

This card represents the end of an argument or clash of some sort. The winner is ambitious and may have won by aggressive or less than honorable methods. It indicates a situation where someone has put her needs above the needs of others and is concerned only for her own interests. You will know if you are the winner, or the one running away.

If reversed, this card suggests an empty victory that was not worth the energy and consequences.

Use your intuition

  • The women appear to be running toward the ship in the distance. Is it in a bay? How will they get to it?
  • A bit of light is peeking out from behind the moon. What does it represent?

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